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Panasonic 20-inch Tablet with 20-inch 4k IPS Alpha LCD Panel

Remember the first time when you laid your eyes on the iPad with Retina Display? Surely the difference was obvious when you laid it side by side with the first generation iPad and the vanilla version of the iPad 2, but when it comes to resolution count and pixel density on tablets, Panasonic has got everyone beat this CES. Granted, toting around Panasonic’s 20” tablet is not going to be the most enjoyable of tasks for road warriors, but when you consider how it weighs as much as a standard notebook (not an Ultrabook, mind you) at just 2.4kg, you would sing a different tune and say that the 20” is a sheer marvel in engineering.
Just in case you were wondering what kind of resolution the 20-inch IPS Alpha LCD panel packs, we are talking about 4K (Ultra HD) resolution. If you were to whip your calculator out and perform some mathematical equations, your mind would be blown away – 4K resolution is more than four times the resolution of Full High Definition, and when you accompany that with a high precision digital pen, you have more or less got yourself a new winner here, hands down.
Just in case you were wondering what kind of resolution the 20-inch IPS Alpha LCD panel packs, we are talking about 4K (Ultra HD) resolution. If you were to whip your calculator out and perform some mathematical equations, your mind would be blown away – 4K resolution is more than four times the resolution of Full High Definition, and when you accompany that with a high precision digital pen, you have more or less got yourself a new winner here, hands down.
With a pixel density of 230 pixels per inch and a unique aspect ratio of 15:10, it is capable of displaying an A3-size paper in almost full size, and thanks to the unique pen peripheral that it comes with, it enables natural handwriting on the tablet. Surely one needs to fork out a handsome sum to bring this 20-inch 4k IPS Alpha LCD Panel home?

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